Weaver Elementary PTA Reimbursement Form


1. Fill out completely with the description of reimbursement and breakdown of expenses by budget category (missing info will delay payment). Attach one file with copies of all receipts, preferably a PDF.
2. Specify if the check should be placed in your file folder or mailed to the vendor
3. A receipt of your submitted request will be emailed to you (keep for your records)

Item DescriptionPriceQty

Reimbursement Information


 How many items(expenses) are you listing for this Event
Every event/department needs a separate reimbursement form to be submitted Do not combine expenses from multiple committees/dept/events.

Please email receipts to WEAVERTREASURER@YAHOO.COM for all expenses submitted on this form.  Your reimbursement will not be dispersed until ALL RECEIPTS are submited via email or physically dropped off in the school office in the PTA REIMBURSMENT basket.

Please note: If an invoice or receipt is not submitted, reimbursement will be delayed until all items are verified.


All Committee Chairs must sign Reimbursement forms

For Treasurer's Use

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